Equipment spotlight: Analyzing the best Superstroke putting grips available for you to buy

There is a famous saying in golf that driving is for show and putting is for dough. Despite the spotlight on driving distances still being bright, it’s on the greens where golf will always be won or lost. Professional golf is awash with brilliant putters, and it seems no matter the distance, putts can always be made. One of the huge changes that has been brought into putting is the different grips that players opt to choose. Long gone are the days when a putter grip would be the same as a driver and iron grips. These days, players opt for all sorts of different grips. Some opt for huge oversized grips, while others rely on the very latest tech where feel can win the day. Superstroke has become one of the best putter grip names in the business and has produced a wide variety of grips that the everyday golfer can now get their hands on. With a great range of different grips available, we will review some of Superstroke’s best grips that you can buy today.
Superstroke Traction Grip
One of the great strengths of a Superstroke putting grip is that rather than a traditional grip where the grip is tapered to different sizes, a Superstroke putter grip is the same width from the bottom to the top. With this unique design feature, one of the Superstroke’s most iconic putters is the Traction grip. One of the main strengths of the Traction grip, is that the straightness of the grip allows for the player to exert the exact same amount of pressure through both hands. This should lead to much better control and in theory a much smoother putting stroke. As you may have seen on TV or around your golf club, a Superstroke grip can come in a range of different sizes, but what makes the Traction grip so unique is that each grip within the range has a unique Traxion Control feedback zone installed into the material.
The grip is made out of polyurethane and is designed to deliver an exceptionally comfortable feel while still ensuring the player has maximum control. Grips can be brought in a wide range of sizes and colors.
If you are looking to introduce yourself to a Superstroke brand of putter, the Traction grip is a great place to start.
(Ref) golf-xpress
Superstroke Zenergy Pistol Grip
One of Superstroke’s newest and most innovative grips is the Zenergy Pistol Grip.
The main difference between the Zenergy and Traction grips is that the material used in the Zenergy is designed to be stickier which enables extreme grip throughout the putting stroke.
Due to the stickiness of the grip, it is an ideal grip for those who play regularly in incremental weather, as it should provide perfect control through the putting stroke.
The inside of the grip is made out of a rubber core, which provides stability and weight. Like the Traction grips, the grip comes in a range of sizes and colors and is suited to players of all levels and abilities.
(Ref) golf-xpress
Superstroke Zenergy Flatso Grip
Superstroke putting grips have made their name due to the cushiony feel and spongy texture, but its Flatso Grip offers a nice alternative for those wanting something a little different.
The grip contains a wide front with five edges and has a whole raft of Superstroke’s best technologies weaved into it. Its patented ‘No Taper Technology’ helps create even grip pressure and should lead to a better and more consistent putting stroke.
The other elements of technology it contains are Enhanced Spyne Technology and Multi Zone texturing. Both of these innovative features ensure that a golfer experiences a brilliant feel every time the putter is gripped.
Offering greater levels of control and comfort than both the Traction and Zenergy Pistol grips, the Flatso Grip is popular with the pros. The grip of choice for Jordan Spieth, it is the perfect grip for more advanced players or for those wanting to take their putting to the next level.
(Ref) Snainton Golf
Best spikeless golf shoes
Alongside finding the best putter grip, another way to take your putting to the next level is with a pair of spikeless golf shoes.
Traditionally, spiked golf shoes would help a golfer with balance, but the technology in some of the best spikeless golf shoes means that spikes are now redundant. Here are some of the best shoes that you can buy.
Adidas S2G SL Golf Shoe
Adidas is one of the most respected names in the shoe industry, and they have had a long affinity for creating brilliant golf shoes.
The Adidas S2G contains all of the elements that you would expect to find in an Adidas running shoe. Lightweight, it contains a mixture of materials and fabrics that result in a comfortable fit and should mean that the shoes are perfect over every type of terrain.
(Ref) national club golfer
Ecco LT1 Golf Shoe
Ecco is one of the fastest emerging sports shoe brands in the world, and it also offers a fantastic spikeless golf shoe.
The Ecco LT1 has developed a great reputation for being one of the lightest shoes in the market. Using a combination of soft materials, the LT1 is one of the lightest shoes you can get your hands on. Offering supreme comfort, they offer fantastic balance all over the golf course and could help take your game to the very next level.
Nike Golf Air Jordan Low G Golf Shoes
Air Jordan’s are arguably the greatest sports shoes ever made, and they make for a terrific look on the golf course.
Containing all of the trademark features which have made Air Jordan’s so iconic, the golf version of the shoe contains more air in the heel which provides more stability and balance through the golf swing.
Coming in a range of colors, there’s no cooler shoe to wear on the course.
(Ref) golfweek