Today: September 21, 2024 11:54 pm
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Our Philosophy, How We See The World


Here at the Golf Spot, we cater to you- Whether you are a newbie who just picked up the game or a scratch golfer, we want to provide you with everything you need – from product reviews, news on your favorite professional golfers, right down to some swing tips.

Golf has long been a popular game and its popularity has only increased in recent years. From the days of the Golden Bear and Arnold Palmer (the golfer, not the drink), to Tiger Woods’ incredible domination, golf has evolved into an international wonder.

Casual golf is also on the rise! According to the National Golf Foundation, 2020 saw an increase of golfers by 500,000, a 2% uptick from 2019. An estimated 502 million rounds of golf were played in 2020, compared to 441 million played in 2019. Now, people everywhere are enjoying sunny days outside enjoying Jon Daly’s (the drink, not the player) with their buddies!

As the popularity of golf continues to grow, there are more and more opportunities to get involved in the sport. With so many different products and tours available, it can be tough to keep up with everything. But that’s part of what makes golf so great – there’s always something new to explore.

That’s where you’ll find your Golf Spot, at the intersection of everything golf. We’re passionate golfers who enjoy everything about the game and love talking about it, so come hang out!